Site Speed Transformation for a Slow Website

Problem: Poor PageSpeed score

The website had a PageSpeed score of over 90 for desktop but struggled on mobile with a ​score just above 70, even after changing hosting services and installing a CDN.

Solution: Comprehensive PageSpeed Optimization

I confirmed that the new hosting was fast but discovered that the CDN was not properly ​configured. Here’s what I did:

  • Connected the site to Cloudflare’s CDN.
  • Configured Cloudflare’s cache, speed, and compression settings.
  • Installed and configured a caching plugin.
  • Installed a plugin for image optimization and delivery.

Results: Exceptional PageSpeed Improvements

  • Reduced page size to around 600 KB.
  • Significantly decreased the time to first byte (TTFB).
  • Dramatically improved first and largest contentful paints.

Outcome: Outstanding PageSpeed Scores

The PageSpeed score skyrocketed from 72 to 93 on mobile and reached 99 on desktop, ​providing a faster, more efficient user experience across all devices.